February 01, 2012

i'm beautiful in my way.

Dear Lady Gaga,
BOOM i'm not in hospital i've put on weight like a kg but i'm just so glad they didn't get the ball rolling on hospitalization because i'll just go crazy in there. I'm not sure how i feel about putting weight on just yet but i've done lots of sit ups + stuff tonight so hopefully if i tone up i won't feel all fat + flabby. Gaga why can't i be brave + kick this stupid disorders ass i am trying so hard but it just seems to be taking over :| Been on tumblr reblogging the most amazingly stunning pictures of you i have so many pictures to post tomorrow.. But i also need to get some college work done :| hmmm.. Gaga blogging shall come first i think. I really need to post about the moster ball but there is just so much i want to tell you about that. Grr there isn't enough time in the day.   

∇ Amen Fashion † 

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