February 04, 2012

Been a long time but I'm back in town :)

Ohmyholymother of gaga I feel so amazingly ill right now its actually unreal but not unreal in a good way like gaga :p just downloaded Blogger on my phone so I just thought i'd do a bit of blogging. Seen as its like 5.30am + I can't get back to sleep :l urgh I've not felt this crappy for ages + to make it worse my friend is sleeping over thankgaga she's asleep well i should think so at 5 in the fecking morning... Urgh stupid insomnia :( but I was just saying on Twitter that i shall always be grateful to apple for the invention of the ipod classic + lady gaga for born this way :) Sorry if there are any weird spelling mistakes or words that don't fit in... That'll be stupid predictive on my phone :l xox. 

∇ Amen Fashion † 

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