February 08, 2012

I actually have heart palpitations.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... holymotherofgaga i think it's going to be another Gaga day today because look what our amazing mother monster has tweeted now. I always miss these things i swear i need to get Gaga's tweets sent to my phone :P But omg so excited that the dates are going to be released soon my heart it beating so fast, Born This Way is on full blast again + i actually have butterflies i am sooo excited :) I really hope she plays Manchester i really do told my sister about it when she got back in from school yesterday she's already designing posters. I swear it's Gaga mania at my house i love it. See this is why i love my mother monster because no matter how cheesy this is gonna sound but she gives you something to work towards + live for. So much for getting some college work done today hehehee, i got up got dressed came downstairs with all my college stuff ready to work + actually attempt to get something done. But then i thought i would check Gaga's twitter first, saw the poster + there is no waay i can concentrate on stupid college work now when i'm excited for the Born This Way Ball, i swear i don't want to go on about it too much until i have tickets but Tara + I have already planned out what we want to wear, totally need them stripper shoes my hooker... ohmygaga it's just going to be the best thing eveeeeer! I mean just look how incredible the poster is oh Lady Gaga you are soo stunning, i could cry i'm so happy.

I just want to say i flipping love you Lady Gaga (:

∇ Amen Fashion † 


  1. So glad I have finally seen this now, this poster is AMAZING. Urgghhh release the dates & tickets mothermonster, I need to go see you with my lovely hooker! <3
