click here if your lady gaga.

Okay so if you're not Lady Gaga this may sound really strange but i just thought i would type up my letters to Gaga on the off chance that she might see it. So here we go...

twitter: @BeccaGermanotta

Dear Lady Gaga, 
My name is Becca i'm 16, and i am going to say sorry in advance for how all over the place this letter may sound but it's just i have been trying to write you a letter for ages, but i've never known what to say, how to tell you how much i want to thank you for being so amazing. 

There really is so much i want to say i could go on for pages and pages talking about The Fame, The Fame Monster, Born This Way, The Monster Ball and how excited i am for the new tour. But i don't want to make my letter to long. Also i would love my letter to touch you and be something meaningful and not just me rambling on about how much i love you. 

I am also writing to ask for your help. I mean you have helped me through so much already but for the past couple of years I have been struggling with my body image and eating, in face for as long as i can remember i have felt fat and not good enough but last year i decided to do something about it. So i dieted and eventually it go so bad that food and loosing weight became my obsession and over the past couple of months i've completely stopped eating. It's been a long and complicated process but i have recently been diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa and i just feel so lost and out of control it is hell. I don't want to go into it too much in a letter and on my blog because i don't want too sound to freaky, i just want to say i honestly don't think i would still be here if it wasn't for you and that this whole illness is so confusing i just don't know what to do for the best anymore. 

2011 just seemed to spiral out of control and everything went wrong.. Like my Bulimia, money issues and my Dad just had life threatening surgery and had to have his bowl removed or it could have exploded. I just feel so lonely, scared and confused i could really use your advice you mean so much to me, you really are my idol. I knew you would be my biggest inspiration from the first time i watched a video of you performing from then on i knew you were my idol. Since then you have helped me through so much. Also it's really strange i would love to be an artist and performer and like you people used to pick on me calling me a freak for being so obsessed with the music i liked. I felt so alone and misunderstood that i wanted to become a star and prove all the idiots wrong and make people know that it's okay to be different. I want the fame for exactly the same reasons you do. To make a difference and bring acceptance. You make me feel accepted and that it doesn't matter i can like whoever i want to like, you really are amazing. 

Omg i better finish soon i don't want to take up too much of your time. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me and what a vital role you play in my recovery. I'm nearly done i promise :) 

It really is my dream to meet you one day. It would just complete my life (as cheesy as that sounds). But you really do mean the world to me, I mean everybody who knows me knows not to mess with Gaga or i'll kick their ass ;) But just to meet you and talk to you face to face would just omg i can't even tell you amazing that would be. 

I really hope you get to read this and that you can respond. I love you millions mother monster.
Paws up! 

Becca Germanotta 

∇ Amen Fashion †