March 01, 2012

The Born This Way Foundation.

Dear Lady Gaga,
I am in college right now writing this post because i just couldn't wait till i got home. Watching the BTWF launch last night really made my day. I actually did not think i could admire you anymore but i really do. You are just so damn inspirational, you looked beautiful and you are so well spoken you always know just what to say. I am now even more determined to meet you and tell you how much you mean to me. The launch just confirmed what a kind and loving person you are it really showed how devoted you are to promoting love and acceptance you are just so amazing. Also you are so incredibly cute and you make me laugh so much some favourite quotes include "If i'm dead i don't give a shit" and "If i can make a song called Just Dance popular, i can make a song called Just Be Nice" they made me smile, i was like that's my Gaga.

I said this before but i want to be an ambassador for this charity so bad. Watching the launch last night just confirmed how life changing this foundation is going to be. I totally agree with you when you say that some teachers don't give a shit and we need to use young people to combat the problem of bullying. As some teachers really do not seem to act on their responsibility to prevent violence within their classrooms. I would really like to be the next empowered youth, you have no idea how much i want to be part of this foundation. It represents like everything i stand for, working for a movement that aims to empower youths and make people realise that it is okay to be themselves would be like a dream come true. 

I think the idea of the Born Brave Bus is amazing, I am so looking out for this when i come to the BTWB it's going to be so damn incredible. I'm going to get on that bus and say i want to help, i am going to be a part of this foundation even if it kills me. I think the bus will be a great way for young people to share there stories, help each other and develop more self confidence. I also think it will make monsters realise that they are not alone, that although each person's story is different and unique they are not alone so many young people are going through similar experiences. This foundation is going to help me so much you have no idea i am hoping that by focusing on helping out with the foundation and concentrating on positive body image and role models then it will help me be more positive and motivate me to beat this stupid disease.

Like i keep saying i want to be involved in this foundation so much and won't stop until i am :P + as always i want to meet you soooooo bad Gaga and last night just made me even more determined i swear it would just mean everything to me to meet you and tell you how freaking incredible you are. So if you could respond to this post in anyway it would make me the happiest little monster in the world. Oh + Cynthia Germanotta you are one of the most beautiful and inspiring people that shall ever live!

So i have come to the conclusion that The Born This Way Foundation is the best thing eveeeeeer and it is going to change the world!

Amen Fashion † 

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