March 15, 2012

we need a little pretty (:

Dear Lady Gaga,
Blogging from college again, personally i think it's the best way to kill a long lunch time. I am actually soo, soo excited for the weekend but also incredibly nervous at the same time. It is certainly going to be very eventful. Well first of all i have my X factor audition on Saturday which i have to be up at a ridiculous time for, as i want to get there as soon as i can so i can get my audition over with as soon as possible because i know how incredibly nervous i am going to be. Although i am soo, soo nervous i am also incredibly excited because i have been waiting and working for this for a very long time. I know these type of shows aren't the only way or in some cases the best way to get noticed but i am hoping if nothing else that i shall gain some confidence from this whole experience. Obviously i would like to be noticed and get a record contract but i am just being realistic and not trying to get my hopes up too much.  I've not finalised anything yet but i think i am going to sing Born This Way just because it is such an incredible song, also i wanted a song that i know i can't mess up that i know totally off by heart and that i am 100% comfortable with if i'm going to be waiting around all day i won't have the confidence to practise in front of a crowd which i know you're probably thinking well how are you going to manage a music career, but like i've said before i have always wanted to be a singer because music has helped me so  so much you have no idea so i wanted to become a recording artist and hopefully the music i make will influence and help other people like the music i liked help me. My main aspiration is to spread the message that it is okay to be different we are all individual and unique and nobody deserves to be ridiculed for standing out from the crowd. So yeah the X factor this weekend very, very nervous i just hope it goes well. Wish me luck Mother Monster!!

The second thing i am mega, mega excited for is your Oprah interview airing on Sunday i don't thinking it's airing live in the Uk i've not really looked into it so i shall probably have to watch it online during the week. But it looks so interesting i bet it's going to be amazing. From the many pictures i have reblogged of this on tumblr and the preview it looks soo soo good and you look so incredibly stunning as ususal. I think it's going to be really good to see you in your home with your Mom just the a real insight into the real Gaga i already know it's going to be mega inspiring i can just tell from the preview. Oh + so excited to see the bits from the Born This Way Foundation awww i just can't wait. 

So i think that's pretty much all i had to say, Oh yeah and also i was thinking i might start posting random fashion mumblings on here. You see music + fashion are my life and although being a recording artist is my dream i really want to get into the fashion industry it just facinates me and when i'm around clothes, shoes jewls etc... i just feel so happy. So i was thinking of creating a new blog to show off my outfit of the day and share my thoughts on the world of fashion. As cheesy as that may sound sorry i am very tired. But i'm not sure if i will do that i might just post the stuff on here because i'm scared that if i create a new blog then one of them will get neglected + i don't want to do that i love my blogs. So we shall see... Plus not that many people are even reading this but it's fun for me to get my thoughts and feelings out there.

Gosh this post was longer than i thought! Okay now i'm done because i have to go and meet my friend for a little catch up. So much monster love.

Amen Fashion † 

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