March 13, 2012

touch me baby but don't mess up my hair...

Dear Lady Gaga,
Okay so i've just come back from my therapy appointment + i have this new diet plan thingy + the deal is for every meal + snack i eat i earn an hour online. So yeah going off what's been happening lately i'm never going to be online. Which sucks so much because i swear this blog is the only thing keeping me going like my own little get away. I love it so much, now i'm hardly going to get on it. But i don't want to jinx it but blogger isn't blocked at college so hopefully i can go to the library + post from there, watch this they'll block it now. Anways i just wanted to post before my online life is totally cut off :| Also they threatened me with hospital again, they always say that if i don't change i'll be admitted but they've been saying this for like months now so i find it pretty hard to believe to be quite honest. Even though they did sound pretty serious this time but we shall see. I had to have my bloods done today omg it was the worst thing the nurse was like aww you've got tiny veins she had to stick the needle in both of my arms it took them like 6 attempts before they finally drew blood aw i was shaking i thought i was going to be sick, which i was surprised about because i normally quite good with needles. So yeah that was my eventful day, quite boring to be honest but i got an easter egg :) imma happy. Oh + BORN THIS WAY BALL DATES PLEASE, I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED THEM. Yes the capitals were necassary when are you going to give them to us mother monster? 

Amen Fashion † 

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