February 24, 2012


Good morning, i feel so strange like surprisingly cheerful but crappy at the same time, it's weird :P Anways imma try and keep the cheerfulness going. So i'm on twitter + all i want to do is tweet Gaga until she notices me. No matter how stalker-ish that sounds but omg i want to meet that lady soooooooooooooo bad it kills me. Why is is so hard? She's like my idol i just want to meet her + give her a big hug because she's just so nice. Never going to give up on my dream of meeting the most amazing lady in the world. I really wish she knew i existed. Gaga is you read this please please please please get in contact with me beccabananaramaXD@live.co.uk or twitter: @BeccaGermanotta, i just want to meet you so so much. Aw i told you i'm in a very i want to meet Gaga mood today like serious. Oh + new background i was up until like 1am sorting it out i'm still not completely happy with it but it shall do for now (:

I've gotta go get ready to go to my Aunty + Uncles house, but i think Born This Way shall be played in the car on the way or should i listen to The Fame decisions decisions they are both incredible albums. Probably Born This Way because i can't seem to tear myself away from it. 

Amen Fashion † 

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