February 10, 2012


Dear Lady Gaga,
Well today has certainly been miserable. I have just felt really down and depressed and the diet plan went completely out the window again. So i just ended up binging, drinking soo much diet cola my stomach hurt and then purging and crying. So yeah i've had an eventful day. But my Dad came home and told me that he saw something in the paper about you being bulimic, i cried :( that's so strange how like i just post a massive rant about eating disorders and then i find this out. I mean i heard a rumour like years ago saying you were bulimic but everybody said it wasn't true. I know this is going to sound weird but it makes you even more inspirational to me the fact that you've got over this hell, do you still find it hard? Omg i want to meet you so bad + ask you so many questions. This is all really freaky we're so alike apart from the fact that you're a god damn freaking superstar and their shall never be anybody that can replace you. But the fact that you want the fame for the same reasons i do to make people feel accepted and that it's okay to be different, that you were called a freak in highschool for being different and not liking the same music everybody else did, and now i've found out you were bulimic. We have many things in common mother monster (: It feels really weird i feel like i love and respect you even more. How did you do it Gaga, how did you overcome the torture you head put you through. I mean i know you said you did it because it would effect your voice. I wish i could do that i really do, because i want to be a singer more than anything in the world, well actually i want to meet you and join the haus of gaga more than anything in the world :P but to be a recording artist has always been one of my dreams + i am so scared that this stupid illness is gonna kill me before i get the chance, but i just can't seem to stop. I actually feel like it's taken me + that i'm trapped :| Help me mother monster... 

Gaga if you see this, it'd mean everything to me if you could contact me in anyway. I have so many questions to ask you and like i said in my last post, i know you're always there for your little monsters. But to know you know i actually exist would just mean everything and would really help because you really are the only person pulling me through this crap. Just so you know, you are seriously the strongest and most influential person in my life. I really admire everything you have overcome + you should always feel like a god damn superstar because you totally deserve it Gaga. Omg i love you so much. 


∇ Amen Fashion † 

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