February 29, 2012

3 hours!

Just look at that bus. Ohmyholymotherofgaga you have no idea how excited i am for this. It's going to be LIVE. Oh so excited this foundation is going to be like the best thing ever. It's going to inspire and help so many people i mean "BTW Empowering Youth . Inspiring Bravery" just says it all really. + i know you probably think i'm little bit biased because i absolutely adore Gaga but even with that put to one side this foundation is going to be life changing and really help young people especially monsters. 

I want to be an ambassador for this foundation so badly you have no idea like as much as i want to meet Lady Gaga i want to be a part of this foundation it would be so great to be able to help and inspire people to brave and spread the message that it's okay to be who ever the hell you want to be if that makes sense. Oh and i can't actually wait to see what Gaga is going to wear i bet she is going to look so  damn beautiful like she always does.

Amen Fashion † 

February 28, 2012

Gaga :(

Another really, really bad night i am so annoyed at myself. I cut again :| i am really ashamed of myself i didn't want to cut again the scars were just beginning to fade. I need to speak to Jen (my therapist) but she's away for like another week + it's my birthday on Sunday grrr this was all supposed to have gone away by then i can't believe i've let myself get this bad . Why am i such an idiot? I can't believe i let what my parents say upset or annoy me anymore because it's really not worth it. Gosh Gaga why can't i just come + live with you + you be my life coach that would be the best thing. Listening to some clips from interviews "You just remember that you're a god damn superstar and you were born this way" makes me cry everytime i am really trying mother monster i really am. I just don't feel like a superstar right now. I just want to meet you so bad Gaga, you really do mean everything to me no matter how obsessive or cheesy that sounds but you have no idea. You are so amazing how you've managed to forget your insecurities well i know you don't feel like a queen all of the time but you are my queen. "So when you leave here tonight know that at least one person believes in you" actually crying right now because i wish you were here :P 
I love you Gaga so so much! 

Amen Fashion † 

February 27, 2012

Dear Lady Gaga Take One.

The first of my video messages to Gaga. Well i know how attractive that image is right there but i just wanted to get a video posted to say a big, big thankyou because seriously i could have got through last night without you Gaga. 

Paws Up!
Amen Fashion † 

no college for me today.

Dear Lady Gaga,
Okay so i read back last nights post god i sound pathetic but that was just how i was feeling last night. I didn't really sleep last night and after what happened last night i'm waaaaaay to worn out for college which sucks because i really don't want to get anymore behind. + i have weighed myself but i don't trust the bathroom scales anymore + i don't have therapy for like another three weeks so i won't know what i weigh  which is actually going to drive me crazy. Which is going to cause so many arguments with my parents because they want to sit down with me tonight + they are literally going to force me to eat all week, which is great i'm going to feel like crap for my birthday next weekend. I think i'm just going to try + starve until my birthday so i can actually enjoy it, i just need to get a little bit of weight off to feel better. But i wish it would go away, i hate what i'm doing to my family i really do, my mum lay with me last night + told me she was really worried i felt so bad. So now i'm just going to pretend everything is okay it'll make them feel better no matter how crap i feel i'm not going to let it show, that's what i have this blog for to vent out my frustration. + I have you Mother Monster :) 

Paws Up!
Amen Fashion † 

February 26, 2012

my youtube channel

On my quest to meet you Gaga, i have now decided i am going to upload a video like everyday or every other day + send you think link along with my blog link. Just in the hope that you might notice me. Iknow to some people this might seem crazy + weird but if you read my pervious post you would find that i am actually going out of my mind + lady gaga is like the only thing that can fix me at the moment. So please Gaga if you see this please, please, please respond. I love you so much mother monster! 

Paws Up!

Amen Fashion † 


Dear Lady Gaga,
Okay right now has to be one of the darkest moments i've ever had. I feel so horrible it's untrue. I actually don't know what to do. I just want to stop feeling :( My parents hate me my Dad threw a chair across my room and told me that i'm going to tear the family apart everybody is stressing at me, i feel fat + disgusting. All i want to do right now is purge, cut and crawl up in a ball + disappear i swear the only thing making it better is your Born This Way album. What do it do mother monster? 


From what i have read this is a picture of ladygaga today! aw she looks so amazingly cute in this photo i just had to post it.

Paws Up 

Amen Fashion † 

i freaking love littlemonsters.com

OMG LITTLEMONSTERS.COM IS SO DAMN AMAZING. I'm actually in love it's like Gaga heaven it's so nice to speak to so many amazing little monsters + not feel like a freak. 
MonsterLove + Paws Up!

Amen Fashion † 

February 25, 2012

stefani angelina joanne germanotta is incredibly stunning.

I can't believe i have only just seen these photos. As you know Stefani Germanotta is my ultimate inspiration + she's just so incredibly stunning it's untrue and i am now in love with these photos. + i want her hair so much it's amazing! I wish i looked like this. <3

Amen Fashion † 

February 24, 2012

very very happy!

^Look, look, look so happy (:

Helltotheflipping yes! I got accepted to littlemonsters.com i actually had fogotten i'd applied but opened my emails today + found this message: 

"You're Invited to LittleMonsters.com!
Welcome Beccakyliejo,
You're one of the first little monsters with pre-private access to enter the world of LittleMonsters.com. Congratulations!"

So yes i am very, very happy right now. 

Paws up!
Amen Fashion † 


Good morning, i feel so strange like surprisingly cheerful but crappy at the same time, it's weird :P Anways imma try and keep the cheerfulness going. So i'm on twitter + all i want to do is tweet Gaga until she notices me. No matter how stalker-ish that sounds but omg i want to meet that lady soooooooooooooo bad it kills me. Why is is so hard? She's like my idol i just want to meet her + give her a big hug because she's just so nice. Never going to give up on my dream of meeting the most amazing lady in the world. I really wish she knew i existed. Gaga is you read this please please please please get in contact with me beccabananaramaXD@live.co.uk or twitter: @BeccaGermanotta, i just want to meet you so so much. Aw i told you i'm in a very i want to meet Gaga mood today like serious. Oh + new background i was up until like 1am sorting it out i'm still not completely happy with it but it shall do for now (:

I've gotta go get ready to go to my Aunty + Uncles house, but i think Born This Way shall be played in the car on the way or should i listen to The Fame decisions decisions they are both incredible albums. Probably Born This Way because i can't seem to tear myself away from it. 

Amen Fashion † 

February 23, 2012

on the runway dressed in his best.

^ my gaga picture of the day right there, how amazingly stunning you look mother monster. I love you so flipping much it's actually untrue. You have no idea how much i wanna meet you. Oh + MORE TOUR DATES SOON PLEAAAAASE :) 

Amen Fashion † 

February 22, 2012


+ paws up! because i can't actually wait for your perfume it is going to be amazing. I read on 4music.com that you wanted it to have the scent of blood and i was like that's my Gaga. Really can't wait to get my hands on a bottle. Oh + in your tweet "Boys, Boys, Boys" was that a hint to the special song that is going to be in the commercial huummm i wonder you do like to keep us guessing don't you mother monster. That's why we love you so much.

Amen Fashion † 

i'm a bad kid baby.

^ How beautiful do you look, aww baby gaga (: 

Dear Lady Gaga,
So i've not posted for a few days because i'm finally back at college and to be honest it's taken a lot out of me. So much work to catch up on + stuff. Urgh it's amazing that i have like no motivation or concentration at the moment. So yeah everything is peachy hehe. Actually if i'm honest it seems like apart from going back to college nothing has really changed lately, things still seem pretty much stuck :| 

I have a dietitian appointment tomorrow. That should be fun because the last time i saw her was like last July things have certainly changed since then. I'm kinda nervous about tomorrow well not nervous about actually going to the hospital and making up my new meal plan :| but i'm nervous for what's going to happen when i get home. This is like a big deal because my parents + Jen my therapist sat down the other week for three and a half hours discussing my disorder and how they can try and get me better. The plan is pretty much the same but i am going to be watched like 24/7 and i know it is going to be on of the hardest things i have ever had to do. I'm not sure it's going to go very well because at the moment i don't think i'm in that place, i really don't think i can cope with increasing my diet i mean i can hardly keep drinks down these days. So i'm worried that i'm not going to be able to do it. But i know, i know i have to try my best and i will but i just don't want people to get mad at me. I hate that this stupid disorder causes so much confrontation and so many arguments, i hate being mad with my family but the eating disorder part of my brain tells me i don't need them that all i need is to be skinny. It's driving me crazy, i mean if i even think about eating and not puriging it's like somebody is sticking their nails into my head and squeezing really hard, it's horrible because i'm not talking about the average person's nails i'm talking your long ass new york nails. Ahaa listening to You & I right now it reminded me of the Monster Ball. Aw that's cheered me up you always cheer me up Gaga you're flipping amazing. 

Expect a rant tomorrow because i probably will not be happy with the amount of food i'm going to have to eat but i know if i wanna beat this then i need to try and eat. I will just think "What would Gaga do?" i mean if you can beat it then so can i.. hopefully.


Amen Fashion † 

February 17, 2012

i'll be brave for you.

Dear Lady Gaga,
I feel so sick today it's actually untrue i didn't sleep at all last night. But the monster ball tour got me through a very, very loooooooooooong night. So once again Gaga saved my life
Paws up! 

Amen Fashion † 

February 15, 2012

Amen to that.

"The dieting wars have got to stop.Everyone just knock it off. Because at the end of the day, it’s affecting kids your age. And it’s making girls sick"- Lady Gaga.

Amen Fashion † 

February 14, 2012

Holyhooker very excited.

So i've not posted for while, so i thought i would just pop on with a little post to say HELL YEAH. I love being online at the same time as Gaga, but it does make it even more frustrating when you know she's online but has too many tweets to even recognize yours :| BUT never the less i can't actually wait to see this i bet it is going to be amazing.Omg special song i swear Gaga wants to kill me i'm actually way too excited right now. I love you Mother Monster + i would just like to add can we have some more tour dates please? Uk ones would be real nice, paws up (:

Amen Fashion † 

February 11, 2012


To be honest i think the picture pretty much speaks for itself. My idol, the most important person in my life right there. She will never know how much she means to me. + personally i think she is the most amazing person that shall ever live. Also i swear she's my twin! Urgh i want to meet you so baaaaaaaaaaaaad Mother Monster, paws up (:

∇ Amen Fashion † 

love, love, love i want your love.

Just realised i haven't posted anything today. So i thought i would just do a little post to say i flipping love you Lady Gaga + i've found a new favorite picture. You look so amazingly stunning, you're just perfect pardon the cheesiness but, you really are such an beautiful person Gaga i know i say this all the time but i have no idea what i would do without you. I have no idea how you do it but you are just simply pure genius. 

∇ Amen Fashion † 

February 10, 2012


Dear Lady Gaga,
Well today has certainly been miserable. I have just felt really down and depressed and the diet plan went completely out the window again. So i just ended up binging, drinking soo much diet cola my stomach hurt and then purging and crying. So yeah i've had an eventful day. But my Dad came home and told me that he saw something in the paper about you being bulimic, i cried :( that's so strange how like i just post a massive rant about eating disorders and then i find this out. I mean i heard a rumour like years ago saying you were bulimic but everybody said it wasn't true. I know this is going to sound weird but it makes you even more inspirational to me the fact that you've got over this hell, do you still find it hard? Omg i want to meet you so bad + ask you so many questions. This is all really freaky we're so alike apart from the fact that you're a god damn freaking superstar and their shall never be anybody that can replace you. But the fact that you want the fame for the same reasons i do to make people feel accepted and that it's okay to be different, that you were called a freak in highschool for being different and not liking the same music everybody else did, and now i've found out you were bulimic. We have many things in common mother monster (: It feels really weird i feel like i love and respect you even more. How did you do it Gaga, how did you overcome the torture you head put you through. I mean i know you said you did it because it would effect your voice. I wish i could do that i really do, because i want to be a singer more than anything in the world, well actually i want to meet you and join the haus of gaga more than anything in the world :P but to be a recording artist has always been one of my dreams + i am so scared that this stupid illness is gonna kill me before i get the chance, but i just can't seem to stop. I actually feel like it's taken me + that i'm trapped :| Help me mother monster... 

Gaga if you see this, it'd mean everything to me if you could contact me in anyway. I have so many questions to ask you and like i said in my last post, i know you're always there for your little monsters. But to know you know i actually exist would just mean everything and would really help because you really are the only person pulling me through this crap. Just so you know, you are seriously the strongest and most influential person in my life. I really admire everything you have overcome + you should always feel like a god damn superstar because you totally deserve it Gaga. Omg i love you so much. 


∇ Amen Fashion † 

all so very excited.

So i am really far too excited for the Born This Way Ball. I just subconsciously painted my nails in black + bluey cosmic colours to match the poster. + I must say they are looking very BTW too me might do them like this for the concert. Ohmygaga still can't actually wait it is going to be so incredibly amazing. Here's what i think i might wear (:

OMMMGGGGGGGGG, just looking on the Gaga store for t-shirts + omg you better be able to order from the us site when you're in the uk because i have just actually fallen in love with this!!! 
+ Then i could wear this incredible t-shirt underneath as it is the BTWB :) with...

Ohmyholymotherofgaga.. how amazing are these i NEED these shorts.

Then i would wear either ripped black tights of normal black tights OR i could have one leg ripped + one not huumm decisions, decisions. With these amazing Gaga boots which i am never going to be able to afford so it'll probably just be converse for me or black dr martens if i get some (: 

I really, really. really need this outfit now so happy it's my birthday soon. I cannot even describe how happy i will be if this outfit comes together it's going to look amazing! 

∇ Amen Fashion † 

My little monster rant.

Dear Lady Gaga,
Oh i'm feeling so incredibly rubbish right now, it's really not giving me a break this week. I just feel so disgusting. My life consists of binging, purging + exercising how exciting does that sound. I know that is probably too much information, but to be honest I don't think people should shy away from how devastating + life controlling eating disorders can be. I think i shall use this post to rant my frustration about the stereotyping of people with eating disorders. 

Something that really annoys me is how eating disorders are frowned upon. It makes me really angry because they are a mental illness they are no less of an illness than say something like cancer, so they should be dealt with in exactly the same way. For example people seem to be afraid of asking people with eating disorders how they're doing, why? It's not like we're gonna breakdown in front of you or anything nine times out of ten you won't get an honest answer because people with eating disorders always try to cover up slap on a brave face and pretend everything is fine. But the fact that somebody asked about them in the first place could really make them feel good, to know that not everybody finds them freaky or attention seeking. 

I think it's wrong that people are so quick to judge people with eating disorders. See I've been called selfish, vein + attention seeking. When to be honest I am far from it. When you have an eating disorder you're not doing it to be awkward or to be the center of attention it's the furthest thing from that you just want to dissappear and waste away because you honestly don't care about anything. It sucks all the life out of you and it is literally like hell. So it makes me soooooooooo angry when people belittle eating disorders because unless you've experienced one you have no idea the torture your brain puts you through. It's horrible feeling so much self-hatred. You feel lonely, trapped, frustrated and confused and sometimes you don't even want to wake up in the morning.

So personally i think more needs to be done to stress and promote how serious eating disorders are. They are not a joke or glamours they're life threatening diseases. That's another thing that annoys me how people see a skinny person and they're like oh they're anorexic. It's like NO. Just because somebody is thin that does not make them ill. Also there are soo many different forms of eating disorders not just anorexia and bulimia and because of this they are so hard to diagnose and treat you could be like me and have a mixture of all different kind of issues that relate to your eating and self-esteem. 

However i do not think promoting eating disorders with the image of somebody that is extremely skinny and underweight is the best way forward. As not all people who suffer from eating disorders are underweight, with eating disorders the mind of somebody that's 10 stone could be working in exactly the same way as the mind of somebody that is 5 stone. Using pictures and stories in the magazines of people that are waaaay to skinny and on the edge of death with and eating disorder which i understand is meant to shock people but to a person with an eating issue this will just make them feel even worse about themselves, like me when i first started recovery i was skipping meals and making myself sick but i was a healthy weight but still had the tourture going on in my head and when people would say to me well you don't look anorexic or you don't have anorexia that would just make me feel like an utter failure and all i wanted to do was just lose the weight and prove that i actually did have a problem. So i did and then they listened to me it sucks that you have to be wasting away before people help you. 

I think with eating disorders the quicker you catch them the better because the longer it goes on the more power and control your illness has over you and the harder it is to break the cycle and recover. I'm in recovery right now and to be honest it's really not going very well but i am going to stick at it tis one of the hardest things i have ever had to do in my life but i know it's something i have to do and it'll all be worth it when i'm healthy again + at the Born This Way Ball.

So there was my little rant Gaga, i could have gone on more but i've not got the energy today. Too tired :| I really hope you read this post and if you could respond and help spread the message about eating disorders so we can try and prevent these terrible illnesses. If i could just stop one person from going through the hell i've been through that would make me so happy. 

This is a long shot but i was wondering Gaga whether you could do something within the Born This Way foundation that focuses on eating disorders or whether you could spread the message. I would love to set up  a blog or a website that can help people going through this hell. So i was wondering whether you would help me. To know that i have you on my side fighting this battle with me would give me so much inspition and motivation to recover and i'm sure because you're such an inspirational role model you would encourage other people to take the next step to recovery. 

If you do have an eating disorder and you are reading this you are so much more than you let yourself believe. Don't let you're illness control you it's really not worth it. Accept help begin recovery no matter how long and strenuous it may be i promise you it'll be the best thing you have ever done and not only will it give you your life back it will make you so much happier and give you back the control you've always wanted. 

Gaga if you could respond to this in any way it would make me the happiest person in the world. + i just want to say a big thank-you because throughout this whole experience you are the one thing that has always been there for me never changed and made me feel safe. You have seriously pulled me through some really dark places and without you i really don't think i would be here today..You have no idea how grateful i am, i love you mother monster (:

Becca Germanotta.

∇ Amen Fashion †