January 24, 2012


Dear Lady Gaga, 
I just want to thank-you for introducing me to MUGLER. Pardon my language but it's fucking out of this world. I mean it's so amazingly incredible not just the clothes & perfume but the whole production of his fashion shows are just like WOW. Also it's like you & MUGLER were destined to work together because you just totally fit together you, your music and sense of fashion pretty much sums up MUGLER for me.

I mean you totally rocked in the Mugler fashion show, i almost died when i saw it omg it was incredible. I really loved how Government Hooker and Born This Way were mixed together, it was awesome. Government Hooker was the perfect song for that show and you looked hot mother monster you're just perfect. 

& without out you i would never have found out about this amazing guy, he's beautiful and such a nice guy. When i saw him on the MUGLER fashion video i was like :O i want to marry him he's just mine. It also gave me inspiration to use his tattoo skull look if i ever became a recording artist i thought that would be so cool, so when you brought out the Born This Way video i was in heaven you looked so stunning it was amazing.. I will probably post about that another time, because that video is so incredibly amazing it deserves it's own post. 

So to conclude i am in love with MUGLER, still can't believe i own Angel & before i die i HAVE to go to a MUGLER fashion show. Omg & to take part in one like you did would just be a dream come true. Totally love in love with it :) I can't stop watching GAGA † MUGLER videos now they are just ahjhajbafbaf no words to describe how amazing they are.

∇ Amen Fashion †

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