January 28, 2012

as long as i'm your hooker

Okay i just wanted to dedicate a little post to one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world. Seriously she has been with me through pretty much everything. It sucks that we live so far apart, i wish i could see her ALL the time. I love this girl so much she is so much more than she gives herself credit for and even through her own struggles manages to put up with my craziness. So i just wanted to say thank-you my Government Hooker ;) 

∇ Amen Fashion † 


  1. I feel exactly the same way about you my hooker, you are SO amazing and SO beautiful. Honestly, if I didn't have you I wouldn't know what to do! Thankyou for always understanding and sticking with me baby <3

  2. no problem what are friends for >.<
